Renovation plan

A tight schedule
for your project

In order to work efficient and deliver quality, we follow a work method. This way, both the client and the constructor know what to expect along the project. A rough idea of our method can be found below.

Would you like to get in touch, regarding a project you would like us to take care of? Please do not hesitate to contact us by email, by phone or by sending us a message on social media.

    1. First contact and meeting
      After we have been in touch with the client, we do our best to make an appointment shortly. We always prefer to meet at the object in question. This way, we can go through the rooms/areas in order to discuss the wishes of the client and the possibilities we have to offer. We will of course make sure to list the clients wishes and requests.

    2. Estimation
      The estimation will be based on the specific wishes and requests of the client. It’s a rough calculation of the labor and the material expenses of the project. It also includes an insurance, that covers <…> and we will manage the entire project. This way, the client won’t have to worry about anything!

    3. Discussing the quotation
      In case the estimation meets your expectation, we’d like to set up another meeting, in order to go over the quote and your budget. Together we discuss any further details and go through the entire project. We also like to talk about a timeframe, in which we would like to finish the project.

    4. The realization of the project / reconstruction process
      The next step, is project planning. We determine the start date of the project and schedule the entire project steps. In order to meet up to the clients wishes, we will frequently ask for feedback, which results in frequent communication during the entire project.

Should there be a situation that requires any changes in the construction process, the options will first be discussed with the client.
